Triad REIA Welcomes Tyler Nosek of Belvedere Property Management to our Greensboro Lunch & Learn!!
How Property Management Works With & For You, The Landlord
Calling All Landlords & Future Landlords: Are You Ready to Maximize Your Rental Property business' potential?!
Join us on Tuesday, October 1st for a discussion on the ever-important topic of Property Management!
Yes, it's only 45 minutes (& on your lunch break, too), but critical concerns like these are on the menu:
1. Walking through the new E-File system for evictions
2. Screening Tenants and how to comply with Fair Housing
3. Importance of Inspecting your property for preventative maintenance
4. Why it is important to have a property manager
This meeting is open to the public, so be sure to encourage anyone who may benefit! Arrive as early as noon to network with like-minded real estate investors & order food.
We'll start with Triad REIA-specific announcements at 12:30, & our Speaker will take the stage at 12:45.
See you there!!
R. Tyler Nosek Realtor & Broker with Belvedere Properties
Tyler Nosek grew up in North Carolina. A second generation property manager, he has been with Belvedere Properties for nearly 20 years: 4.5 years as a licensed agent & a total of 15 years unlicensed. Tyler focuses his energy on helping investors & property owners maximize their profits & reduce the stresses of being a private landlord.
336-209-5987 x3
2606 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC 27408
Register below! Ready. Set. Lunch-&-Learn with Triad REIA!
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