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1085 Monitor Dr, Germanton, NC 27019

Single Family / 3 Bedroom(s) / 2 Bath(s)

Property Status:  Not Available | $229,479.00 | 

Property Photos

Modern 3-bedroom 2-bath home includes office, laundry room and large storage building in beautiful Stokes County.

Property Status:
Not Available | $229,479.00
Property Details:
Single Family / 3 BR / 2 BA
Property Style:
Finished Sq Ft:
No Basement
Owner / Agent:
Individual Owner
Property Features:
Contact Info
Lexis Global Marketing LLC
(336) 817-7376

View on Individual's Website
Property Description:
For Sale with Seller Financing: 1085 Monitor Drive, Germanton NC 27019. Modern 3-bedroom 2-bath 1500sf home on .92-acres includes office, laundry room and
large storage building, just one of three houses on a private country road in beautiful Stokes County, about 15-minutes’ drive north from the East Hanes Mill Road
Walmart shopping center in Winston Salem. House has been remodeled to include new cabinets, flooring, bathroom fixtures, heat pump and water heater.
Home is offered exclusively with owner financing for $229,479. After minimum 10% down payment, the balance would be carried at 10.5% interest amortized
over 30-years, no penalty for early payoff. $3,500 would also be needed to cover closing costs. Please text 336-817-7376 for more information or for
permission to visit as it is on a private drive. More photos and details at

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